Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A Bright Beacon In A Dismal Real Estate Market

When times are tough, the best endure. Missy DeKay, a fabulous Ponte Vedra Real Estate Agent, is a prime example. She's always a ray of sunshine with positive focus and proven experience that will ensure success. Even though business has sure to have slowed down, she recently reordered notepads and cards featuring her colorful logo, an original hand illustration by Media Design's owner and artist, Keith Ferguson.

Be sure to check out Missy DeKay and her listings.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Featured Project

Client: Caribbean Breeze
Caribbean Breeze, the coolest sun care company around, wanted a modern new look for their rockin' Wacky Wipe Out zinc oxide product. So, we came up with this fun, attention grabbing look just in time for the summer wave!

Product Detail:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Christmas in July!

Okay it's not quite yet July, but it's HOT and I need something refreshing to drink. Which made me think of our annual Recipes 4 the Road. We celebrated our 11th edition at the end of 2008 and look forward to our upcoming issue this fall.

This COOL booklet contains festive drinks (that don't need alcohol)! Since drinking and driving is REALLY BAD at any time of year, we thought we'd pass along this little reminder... Be safe, designate a driver if you plan on downing a few and have lots of fun this summer.

If you too are thirsty for something different, download this version of our Recipes 4 the Road. Maybe make up a batch of Starlight Mint Tea or Mojitos and take it into the office to share with co-workers (and your boss for some extra brownie points). And don't forget the kids! They'd love to help you make a S'mores Milk or Caribbean Punch for a sweet afternoon treat.

Recipes 4 the Road 2008

Video -  Cross Creek Steakhouse makes their drink "Creek Dreams" live on Channel 4 - Watch Now!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Success During a Down Economy

We're not here to tell you about the economy. You know how it's doing.

It's a common reaction to slash advertising spending at times like this. You may think reducing your marketing budget is better than layoffs, but unfortunately, cutting advertising can eventually lead to those layoffs as business continues to drop and prospects dwindle.

Sacrificing long-term marketing objectives because of short-term financial struggles is not the way to weather this storm. Those businesses who continue marketing during difficult times come out ahead of the pack when things turn around. Customers have short-term memories... out of sight, out of mind.

Some rock solid suggestions:

Promote yourself through the web. If you don't already have a website or could use a refresher, now is the time to make it happen. Drive traffic to your site with e-mail marketing, online advertising, blogs & social network advertising.

• Have a website that nobody knows exists? Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) is a must to improve your ranking on the main search engines. It's estimated that there are about 1.5 billion people using the internet.

• Direct Mail is an effective way to market to existing customers and to target potential buyers. Attractive postcards with a well-written message get a good response and are less expensive to mail than a letter.

• Now is a great time to add radio to your media mix. You can take advantage of some great rates and with many formats to choose from, you can deliver your message directly to your target audience.