Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Featured Project: Be Safe or Stay Home.

For some common sense safety to live by, that we can all use, download this little "Go Safe" booklet. 

Just wrapping up this really fun project targeted to PRE-Teens ('cause, I don't believe there is any way a 9-12 year would want to be called a "tween"). We've had the chance to develop a cool/hip look that's not like any other safety material out there, yet. Posters, bookmarks and a 12 page activity book will be distributed throughout North Central Florida to reinforce great safety tips in a non-boring, non-preaching way.

This awesome safety campaign is promoted by your Community Traffic Safety Team of the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida SafeRoutes to School, and Safe Kids to help reduce the #1 cause of serious injury and death among our youth.

Life isn't boring and neither should design, especially when we're talking about life-saving safety rules... So you can live it up to the max!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fundraising to a New Level

1st Place Fundraising is a leading provider of top quality fundraising products and services. This year they are introducing three new and improved fundraising catalogues to help schools, churches, teams and other organizations raise the must needed funds to support their programs. Fundraising can be easy, fun and profitable with 1st Place Fundraising

Media Design is proud to be part of their efforts by designing these pieces that include many wonderful items, tasty treats, and fun, reusable "green" shopping bags that actually have some style!

If you would like to view the entire Simply Living brochure, please click here.

We'd love to add you to the list of our happy customers. Contact us today at 904.636.5131 and let us know how we can help you!